
上海社科院亚太所副所长刘鸣校友、 高兰校友来日访问

上海社科院亚太所副所长刘鸣校友、 高兰校友来日访问

上海社科院亚太所副所长刘鸣校友、 高兰校友来日访问

【简讯】应日本PHP総合研究所(PHP Research Institute,Inc.)的邀请,上海社会科学院亚洲太平洋研究所周建明所长、副所长刘鸣校友、 高兰校友来日访问。上海社会科学院亚洲太平洋研究所一行定于2月14日回国。産業能率大学教授·復旦大学日本校友会周偉嘉预定2月13日晚与上海社会科学院亚洲太平洋研究所一行共进晚餐,欢迎大家参加。欲参加者,请速与陳颂豪联系(手机:090-8501-4800)。






PHP総合研究所(PHP Research Institute,Inc.)は、1946年に設立された独立系民間シンクタンクである。創設者は松下電器産業株式会社(現パナソニック)の創業者でもある。PHPはPeace and Happiness through Prosperity(繁栄によって平和と幸福を)の略で、松下幸之助の願いを示しているという。PHP総合研究所は設立以来、様々な研究プロジェクトを組織し、数多くの政策提言を行っているのである。

会刊: http://www.fuaaj.org/journal/
校友登録: http://www.fuaaj.org/index.php?option=member



1952年2月出生,1992年在上海社会科学院获经济学博士学位。主要研究亚太地区的国际关系和安全问题,中国的国家安全战略和台湾问题。现任上海社会科学院亚洲太平洋研究所所长、上海APEC研究中心主任、海峡两岸研究中心特约研究员。享受政府特殊津贴。目前曾负责国家社科基金资助的85重点课题"亚太地区的经济合作和中国的亚太经济发展战略",95重点课题"世纪之交的台湾问题与和平统一的前景",并主持完成"亚太格局与中国的东亚战略"课题。 Prof. Zhou Jianming Born in 1952, Dr on Economics; Director with the Institute for Asia-Pacific Studies and the Center for International Strategy Studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. During recent years, he draws his attention mainly to strategic problems, including a comparative study on both the U.S. and China’s national security strategy. The major works he authored and co-authored are as follows: An Interpretation to the U.S. Security Policy (with Zhang Shuguang, 2002); The Second Transformation: On the Construction of Public System ( Co-edited with Hu Angang and Wang Shaoguang,2003);: An Evaluation of China’s Power and Threat by the U.S. National Defense Researchers (with Zhang Shuguang, 2004); Social Policy: An European revelation and challenge to China (editor in chief, 2005).Documents on strategy studies co-compiled with Zhang Shuguang are: “Pursuing Absolute Security through A Military Build-up——Selected documents on the new military revolution and national defense transformation of the United States of America”; “The Quadrennial Evaluation on Defense (2001) —— A strategy driven by security concerns ”and “The Sino-U.S. Détente and the Taiwan Issue ——Selected documents on the Foreign Relations of Nixon


刘 鸣副所长

刘 鸣,1958年出生于上海。复旦大学法学硕士·博士。现任上海社会科学院亚洲太平洋研究所副所长。兼任厦门大学台湾研究中心兼职研究员,中国社科院亚太所朝鲜半岛研究中心兼职研究员,复旦大学韩国研究中心兼职研究员等。发表有 :《2002年中美关系、台湾问题和朝鲜半岛情况的模拟分析》、《中国的崛起与东亚多边合作》、「中国国际责任论评析」等著述。 Liu Ming currently is a professor, the directors of International Relations Theory Studies and Center for Korea Studies at the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS). He also holds several concurrent fellows at Center for Korean Peninsula Studies, China Academy of Social Sciences; Center for Korea Studies, Fudan University and Center for Taiwan Studies, Xiamen University. His research areas range from the theory of international relations, American policy toward East Asian countries to Korean Peninsula security and its relationship with periphery powers. Liu Ming got his Bachelor of Arts from Nanjing Foreign Languages Institute in 1982, and obtained his Master of Law degree from International Politics Department, Fudan University in 1989 and Ph. Degree in political science from World Economy Institute, Fudan University in 1999. Joined the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (IAPS) in 1989, he first was in charge of IAPS journal of Asia-Pacific Forum from 1992 to 1993 as an executive deputy editor-in-chief. Within his sixteen years academic career, his research focus has ranged from East Asia security, US Asian policy to Korea affairs and international theory. He had participated in several State and Shanghai municipal level research projects and attended numerous international seminars on East Asia security issues in the U.S., Japan and South Korea. He has published more than ten English papers in the American, Canadian and South Korean journals of international studies. He also writes extensively on East Asia security and international theory in a number of Chinese first-class journals, which include World History, World Economy and Politics, Contemporary International Relations, Shanghai Social Sciences, etc. And two of his papers in Chinese “Seyom Brown’s Academic Thoughts and the Dilemma of International Relations Theory” and “the Conditions and Problems in the Great Powers Interaction Relationship”, respectively published in the Academic Research Quarterly in 1997 and in 2000, won the Third Prizes of Excellent Papers of Shanghai Municipal Social Sciences Works Competition in 1998 and 2001; his other papers concerning Korea issue as well as the models of international conflict were also awarded some kinds of prizes for young scholars in the SASS. Liu Ming went to the Columbia University (East Asia Institute), USA; Seoul National University, South Korea and Stanford University (CISAC), USA respectively in 1993, 1996 and 2000 as half- years visiting scholars to conduct international studies projects.



高兰副研究员,1968年8月出生。毕业于复旦大学国际关系专业,获得博士学位。现任上海社会科学院亚洲太平洋研究所副研究员 。研究领域为 中美日关系,研究方向为外交思想与国际战略的比较研究。兼任复旦大学日本研究中心兼职研究员,上海日本学会会员。能熟练运用日语、英语、法语。1994赴日本东京大学留学,2003.7 赴法国里昂法语中心进修,2005.4赴美国Dickinson College 考察交流。 自2004年以来至2006年10月,已完成的各种文章累计字数大约23万字。其中,累计发表论文18篇,字数大约17.1万字,其中发表在甲、乙级核心刊物上的论文共计6篇,其中被《人大复印资料》转载1篇。合著著作2篇,《2006年中国国际地位报告》和《2007年中国国际地位报告》。 参与了两项课题,《日本三大领土争端》,以及《东亚多边合作与中日关系》,课题负责人为王少普副所长,撰写课题报告共8万字。参加院长的专项课题《日本对中国和平崛起的战略研究》,撰写课题报告共2万字。2005年4月,参加由外事处组织的美国Dickinson College 的合作研究课题《中美日爱国主义教育》,赴美进行学术交流。 完成日文版专著《日本近代外交思想的轨迹——亚洲主义中的“脱亚”论》,共计字数23万字。

